Welcome Dr Daniel Gass, who is joining the ARCAFF team as new Research Fellow at DIAS 👋 We wish Dr Paul Wright the best of luck in his new role as Research Software Engineer at the University of Exeter!
The ARCAFF team attended the annual European Space Weather Week in Portugal in November, where they presented two talks on ARCAFF activities as well as showcasing the project at the Space Weather Fair!
It was great to get the whole consortium together at the University of Westminster in London for a 2-day team meeting to catch up on current and future ARCAFF activities. Thanks for hosting UoW!
The DIAS team were delighted to host the Revising the NOAA Space Weather Scales Workshop in Dublin on 24-25 June. The objective of the workshop was to guide the review and potential revision of these scales used by the USA, other nations, and the international space weather community. Attendees included researchers, operational forecasters, industry end-users, and government policy makers. It was an excellent chance to discuss the ARCAFF project and get feedback on development plans from potential users.
The team were following the exciting solar activity over the USA Mother’s Day weekend, with numerous X-class flares from NOAA Active Region 3664 and several associated with coronal mass ejections directed at Earth. This resulted in spectacular auroral displays at southern latitudes, which captured the attention of many people around the world!
The ARCAFF team attended the first review meeting for the project in Brussels. We are looking forward to the next year ahead!
Many of the ARCAFF team attended European Space Weather Week in Toulouse where they presented progress on the project and participated in the dedicated community flare forecasting sessions!
The DIAS team represented ARCAFF at the ESA Heliophysics in Europe Workshop. The ESA Heliophysics Working Group acts as a focus for discussion, inside ESA, of the scientific interests of the Heliophysics community, including the European ground-based community and data archiving activities. The goal of the meeting was to improve communication between the European Heliophysics community and the various ESA directorates involved.
Dr Shane Maloney and Dr Paul Wright participated in the inaugural workshop on Data, Analysis, and Software in Heliophysics (DASH). All the presentations, including about ARCAFF, can be viewed online through their Zenodo collection!
Prof Peter Gallagher and Dr Sophie Murray attended the UK Space Weather and Space Environment Meeting this week where they spoke with fellow scientists and forecasters about the ARCAFF project. Check out the poster they presented below that was created by Dr Paul Wright!
A postdoctoral position is available at Università degli Studi di Genova to work on applying deep learning algorithms for active region classification and flare forecasting as part of the ARCAFF project. More info at arcaff.eu/unige-postdoc!
Dr Paul Wright gave an oral presentation about the ARCAFF project at the UK National Astronomy Meeting this week. He and colleague Dr Alasdair Wilson also presented the new alpha version of SolarMonitor 2.0 developed at DIAS that can be viewed at solmon.dias.ie!
The ARCAFF team was all together in Genoa this week for a consortium meeting to discuss progress. We also held the first meeting with our Advisory Board members to tell them all about the project!
Dr Paul Wright joined the DIAS team as a Research Fellow to work on WPs 2 and 3 of ARCAFF.
The consortium members of ARCAFF all met in person at the DIAS offices in Dublin city centre to review the tasks to be completed across all work packages and make plans for how collaborations will work in the project in the coming years.
The ARCAFF project has officially started! Watch this space for updates about progress.