Work Package 4: Compute Platform

Lead: UoW


Create scalable and portable cloud-based services from the developed deep learning (DL) applications (both for model training and operational phases) and publish these in an open access code repository.

Deploy, integrate and test the ARCAFF DL services with the PITHIA e-Science Centre and make these available for the targeted research community.

Develop, organise and publish learning and research material that make the utilisation of ARCAFF services easier.


D4.1 ARCAFF DL services – first release (Month 18)
This deliverable will be a report and a set of executable services published in GitHub and integrated with the PITHIA-e-Science Centre. It will include the cloud-based implementation of these services, their preliminary user interfaces integrated into the e-Science Centre, and related learning and research material supporting their execution and utilisations.

D4.2 ARCAFF DL services – final release (Month 36)
This deliverable will include all DL services developed during the project, published as open source code and fully integrated with the PITHIA-e-Science Centre. Suitable learning and research material with carefully designed learning paths will also be provided.