Work Package 2: Solar Data Sources

Lead: DIAS


Find, download, and prepare solar observation and events.

Prepare the deep learning (DL) datasets for analysis and training in Work Package 3.

Release and analysis of the DL datasets.


D2.1: ARCAFF Data Management Plan (Month 6)
Creation of a Data Management Plan for the consortium to follow when delivering project outputs.

D2.2: Active region localisation and classification machine learning datasets (Month 9)
Software and DL datasets (images and label or outputs) for the active region (AR) classification and AR localisation and classification objectives.

D2.3: Point-in-time based flare forecast machine learning datasets (Month 16)
Software and DL datasets (3D images cubes and labels or outputs) for the point-in-time flare forecast objectives, both magnetogram and multimodal.

D2.4Time series multimodal flare forecast machine learning datasets (Month 24)
Software and DL datasets (3D images cubes and labels or outputs) for the time series flare forecast objectives.